Mizen to Malin 2022 and Breast Cancer Ireland

Written by Barry O'Gorman

Independent Business Advisor - Business Advantage through Technology (Strategy, Commercials, Transformation).

Post Date 18/05/2022

My 5 day cycling challenge: Mizen to Malin 2022 – is nearly here. And I can’t wait: Wed 1st June to Sunday 5th June. Postponed twice because of the Covid19 epidemic. But we are good to go this day two weeks. Thinking back to my last M2M (in the other direction), finished 4 years ago at Mizen Head.

2018 group
Mizen to Malin 2022 and Breast Cancer Ireland 8

With whom am I doing this?

Up to 85 of us – all member of Kilmacud Crokes are doing the 5 day cycle. This is the biggest number we have had to date. We will be divided into 5 groups on the road – and looking forward to being in the middle group, I think. We have all trained together throughout the winter and spring.

Training group
Sunday spin

The funds raised

We are raising funds jointly for Breast Cancer Ireland and our club development fund. I am very excited to be raising money for Breast Cancer Ireland again – unfortunately I know too many friends who have been impacted by this awful disease. So important to raise awareness, raise money and fund ongoing research.


We have so many generous sponsors – over 40 have placed advertisements on the jersey we will wear. And our lead sponsor again for the whole event is Nissan Ireland.

The route

Day 1: we will set out by bus on wednesday morning at 4.00am from Stillorgan, heading for our start point: Mizen Head. Day 1 we will cycle from Mizen Head to Killarney – over the Caha Pass and Moll’s Gap. Great test on Day 1.

setting out 2016 bus
The Bus in 2016 – one bus used to be enough!

Day 2 (Thursday): cycle 130km from Killarney to Lahinch. Catch the ferry along the way. Already looking forward to getting into the sea to cool off having completed 2 days.

tarbert 2016
Catching the ferry 2016

Day 3 (Friday): cycle gets longer: 150km from Lahinch to Kiltimagh.

Day 4 (Saturday): Longest day’s cycling: 180km from Kiltimagh to Letterkenny. Am sure we will have an extra early start. By then my bike and I will have become very well reacquainted.

Day 5 (Sunday): Shortest spin of the week: 80km: but finish with that particularly nasty little incline up to Malin Head.

malin finish 2016
Made it in 2016 – now just need to repeat!

Your chance to sponsor my cycle

I would really appreciate your sponsoring my cycle. This will be my third time doing M2M – and I have always been very generously supported . Great cause: please go to my fundraising page and donate whatever you can. Many thanks in advance.

Great memories of 2016 and 2018

Great Mizen to Malin in 2016
Grouo 2A Malin Head
Our subgroup just before leaving Malin Head in 2018

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