High performance computing – high performance business?

Uber profitable

Written by Barry O'Gorman

Independent Business Advisor - Business Advantage through Technology (Strategy, Commercials, Transformation).

Post Date 28/07/2023

Demand for high performance computing

Interesting to read about developments in high performance computing – and potential impact for current data centres and demands for future data centres. Is it possible we will see low performance computing performed on-prem and high performance in the cloud? Or is this too much of a simplification? Will corporates design hybrid on prem/ cloud where high computing available across both?

Still hampered with paper

And then you think about organisations still (in 2023) bogged down in lots of paperwork? Unable to leverage computing – not to mind high performance computing.

Vested interests

If the high performance computing is to serve a purpose – be that improved/ speedier decision making (perhaps #AI assisted), better analysis of data, improved customer response times- then the organisation itself – perhaps the industry – needs to change. If we have vested interests sitting in key points fo control – making a very good living – are they holding up true transformation (ultimately to be enabled/ accelerated by high performance computing)?

Innovators and disruption

And that’s why we need the innovators – not going to hang around while vested interests frustrate progress. Lots of new technologies, lots of options for deployment and significant disruption. And high performance computing just an element of this.

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