What is the real issue with disruption of taxi services in Ireland via Uber?

Written by Barry O'Gorman

Independent Business Advisor - Business Advantage through Technology (Strategy, Commercials, Transformation).

Post Date 26/07/2019

In Ireland we have Uber in name – but not in the availability of private cars. What is the objection to this level of disruption? Would the disruption not result in better experience for consumers, better value for consumers, more capacity and greater use of these services by consumers? Clearly there would be disruption for the current incumbents – but this is inevitable with all new ways of doing business.

My own recent experiences in the US and Portugal have served to remind me that true Uber services are part of a modern economy – particularly when you are looking to attract and retain a strong tech community or to attract and develop tourism. And we want these people to grab an Uber rather than clogging up the streets with more cars.

Curious to see what transpires. Uber has of course attracted its own share of controversy in its short history. But as someone visiting foreign cities I have found the service to be outstanding – and represent much better value to me as a tourist than the traditional taxi options.

Just about to hop in another Uber…

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