Great Managers and Great Leaders

Written by Barry O'Gorman

Independent Business Advisor - Business Advantage through Technology (Strategy, Commercials, Transformation).

Post Date 10/11/2018

Just listening to Mark Little (founder of storyful) on the radio this morning talking about the difference between Great Managers and Great Leaders.  Not sure what the source his commentary. Iw was along the following lines:

  • A great manager walk into a room and convince others that she is a great manager
  • A great leader walks into a room and convinces others that each of them is a great leader

Digital Transformation

Not too far off in this.  Now think Digital Transformation. The need is change leadership more than change management.  So we are seeking people (leaders) who can convince others of their ability to lead change.  Then these leaders will leverage the opportunities presented by new digital platforms and solutions.

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